The problem of 'Shanger' and other strange emotion amalgams

Published on 14 June 2024 at 15:18

In the practice of energy psychotherapy, I have recently identified strange emotional-energetic constellations that remain as indigestible and toxic formations within the human system. They may have something in common with Bion's concept of 'bizarre objects' (Bion, 1962a & 1962b).

Our ordinary emotions have names, can be identified through introspection (at least in principle), and are amenable to processing when they become conscious and are tolerated. The strange amalgam emotions are not like this. They do not have names, cannot be identified through introspection, and cannot be thought about or communicated to others. In this way, they remain outside of the mind and yet have a disturbing effect on the mind. They create states of perplexed agitation, overwhelming frustration, fears of 'madness', and sometimes explosive outbursts - and can result in states of mind where the person feels profoundly alienated from ordinary human discourse. 

These strange emotion amalgams are formed of dense mixtures of emotions, some of which may be inherently incompatible - such as love and hate, desire and disgust, or pleasure and pain. Because they are amalgams, they become something distinct in their own right - not just a combination or layering of emotions. As a result, they defy our ordinary capacities to identify and name and think about emotions. An analogy would be if food scientists created a novel compound derived from several substances that do not normally combine together. When such a 'food' is ingested, the body does not recognise it, may be confused by it, and does not know what to do with it - and perhaps stores it as fat. 

Strange emotion amalgams may arise under certain conditions during childhood. Two or more intense emotions evoked simultaneously, such as shame and anger, can result in an amalgam of the two, that we might call 'shanger'. Another condition giving rise to such amalgams may be when a child feels related to with two or more incompatible emotions - such as feeling loved and hated, desired and rejected, nurtured and harmed. Important aspects may be that these occur simultaneously and that they are intense and are confusing. The emotions that are perceived from others are melded with the child's own emotions, combined also with desperate attacks on the feared Frankenstein 'monstrosities' that arise from these fusions. The resulting amalgams get stored in the system as if they were foreign bodies. 

Melanie Klein (1946), in her discussion of infantile splitting of emotional states, referred to instances where the clear sorting into good and bad fails, resulting in a terrifying confusion. This may have something in common with what I am terming strange emotion amalgams. 

One of the great benefits of energy psychotherapy is that we can energy test for the presence of strange emotion amalgams. So far, I find that they are common but not universal. We can target them therapeutically by using words that refer to them. As long as one person in the shared energy field of the therapeutic dyad understands what is meant, such targeting will be effective.

Currently, my preferred way of dealing with them is a combination of acupoint tapping and Blue Diamond desynchronising their informational-energy fields (Mollon, 2022) - then expelling the entropy and associated 'heat' (in accord with the second law of thermodynamics), followed by facilitating the 're-informing' of the system by higher dimensional energies from the Unified Field. 



  • Bion, W. R. (1962a). A theory of thinking, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, vol. 43: Reprinted in Second Thoughts (1967).
  • Bion, W. R. (1962b). Learning from Experience, London: William Heinemann. [Reprinted London: Karnac Books,]. Reprinted in Seven Servants (1977e).
  • Klein, M. (1946). Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 27:99-110.
  • Mollon, P. (2022). Blue Diamond Healing: Exploring Transpersonal and Transdimensional Aspects of Energy Psychotherapy. London, Karnac.