Trauma distorts ‘psychic space’ and creates ‘black holes’ in the mind
We know from Einstein’s theory, and subsequent tests and measurements, that massive bodies, such as planets and stars, distort space-time, causing light to bend. This distortion of space-time was Einstein’s reformulation of gravity. In extreme instances, in the case of very dense bodies, a ‘black hole’ is created, from which no light can escape. Since the distortion is of both time and space, time itself would appear to stop at the horizon of a black hole. Thus, the black hole traps both light and time.
Einstein’s reformulation of Newton’s law of gravity meant that the ‘force’ was no longer viewed as a mysterious attraction between separate bodies, but as a bending of the very fabric of space and time in which we dwell. Whilst it is relatively easy to conceive of how this bends light waves travelling through space, how does this account for the apocryphal example of the apple falling from the tree? Many of the analogies – such as the distorted ‘rubber sheet’ - frequently used in popular science books are extremely (I would even say irresponsibly) misleading. The apple is not moving relative to the earth, so why does it fall? The answer is that although the apple is not moving in space (relative to the earth), it is still moving in time, and it is this combination of the warping of both space and time that causes the apple to move towards the earth.
In an analogous way, trauma distorts and bends mind-space. Severe trauma tends to bend a person’s thoughts and emotions towards it, distorting time such that the event can appear to be happening now, and distorting space such that the person feels themselves to be in that place where it happened. Moreover, it will attract all manner of tangentially related thought, emotions, and memories, in the manner of a massive body drawing smaller objects into its orbit. In extreme cases, the severe trauma functions like a black hole, sucking in all mental phenomena in its vicinity and threatening to consume the entire psyche.
A black hole in the mind constitutes a serious threat. Unless emergency action is taken, it can consume the mind, whereby the trauma becomes all that exists, mental time and space condensed and frozen in the traumatic moment.
It has been postulated that a black hole in astro-space could perhaps function as a ‘white hole’ (on its underside, so to speak) into another universe. This presents a close analogy for the way that a severe trauma may initiate a process of dissociation whereby an alter personality is birthed.
We can best understand how traumas and overvalued ideas form a ‘gravitational mass’ by a consideration of what and where the mind is. Although correlated with brain activity, it does not reside in the brain but is outside of space and time (Matzke & Tiller, 2020). It may be thought of as correlithm (correlated logarithms) mathematical ‘space’, in a ‘Unit N cube’ of multiple dimensions – a hyperspace. An almost limitless number of potential points (correlithms) are possible in such a ‘space’ that represent thoughts. It must be emphasised that this is a mathematical not a physical space. Although impossible to represent this in our ordinary 3-D experience of space, a good visual analogy is with the appearance of the depth of astro-space. Images of deep space reveal a seemingly endless realm of points of light (stars etc.) at differing distances from us and from each other. This is I think a serviceable visual analogy for the mathematical space of correlithm objects.
At the level of the brain, each neuron is, in effect, a dimension of this correlithm object space. Thoughts and memories are created by means of pairs and groups of neurons firing in frequency. It is these pairings that create the correlithm objects in the N Cube space of the mind (Lawrence, 2004).
In this mathematical space, points (thoughts) that are correlated are mathematically closer together than those that are not. Thoughts that are similar or somehow connected become closer together in the mathematical space. At this correlithm space level, the ‘law of attraction’ is literally correct – a mathematical law. Related thoughts exert a quasi-gravitational pull on each other. We might also say that a complex of related thoughts warps the mind space. Trauma appears to create a severe warping of mind space, dragging surrounding areas into its dense concentration of cognitive and emotional elements of horror. Parts of the self may become trapped within this intensely bent hyperspace – the rest of the mind exerting continual energy to remain in a state of high avoidance on the other side of the ‘event horizon’.
In addition to traumas that can give rise to these effects, intense constellations of emotions can also create a black hole in mind space. This can give rise to phobias of emotions and great anxiety about introspection. In these conditions, the mind is felt to be a dangerous 'place'. Psychosomatic conditions may arise, whereby emotions are diverted from the mind to the body.
After addressing the traumas as best we can using energy psychology modalities, it can be valuable to ‘smooth out’ or make ‘flat’ the correlithm mind-space. By analogy, an area of cosmic space is considered ‘flat’ if it is not warped by the gravitational presence of massive objects. In the Blue Diamond field, which is responsive to intention, we can request that the complex of correlithm objects associated with a particular event be disentangled and moved apart and the space made flat. Rather amazingly, this does seem to have the required effect.
Here is a brief clinical example. A man had been in psychoanalytic energy psychotherapy for several years – much longer than originally envisaged by either of us. He made much progress in many areas. However, what eventually and gradually came into clearer focus was a broken-down child state of immense and unbearable shame, associated with a particular trauma and a complex of experiences of feeling unprotected, unloved, and abandoned. The emergence of this childhood state of mind appeared hazardous and worrying. It seemed to threaten to consume his entire functioning adult personality. Fortunately, this began to lose its menacing power once we began to disentangle its correlithm elements in hyperspace.
In retrospect, it was possible to see that this dense warping of mental hyperspace, a black hole in the mind, had been subject to extensive and vigilant avoidance, a psychic evasion on which a functioning adult personality had been precariously established. During the course of energy psychotherapy, this hidden area came into view, seriously threatening his entire equilibrium. By working not just with the content of the trauma, but also with its structural coding in hyperspace, we were able to dismantle this dangerous entity. At this point, the cosmic analogies break down – we can never engage with a galactic black hole and live to tell the tale!
Lawrence, P.N. (2004). Correlithm Object Technology. Dallas, TX. Correlithm Publications.
Matzke, D. & Tiller, W.A. (2020). Deep Reality. Why Source Science may be the Key to Understanding Human Potential. Cardiff, CA. Waterside Productions.